If you would like to review and make changes to your article before it is published, you can download a PDF proof from the site. To do this, simply click on the "View Proof" option on the top right corner of the editor window. You can also insert comments in the Edit view of the article. However, you must keep in mind that your final submission will not be accepted until you approve the proof. To see your proof, you must log into your account.
To upload your proof version, click on the edit icon. This icon is located on the Proof Central landing page. In the Edit screen, select the Proof button. Then, click the "Upload" button. The new version will be uploaded to the site. A message will appear on the top right corner of the editor's screen if logged in. You can also view the preview of the new proof. Once the proof is uploaded, the previous version will be locked.
Once the new See our proof version is approved, you can lock it to prevent anyone else from changing it. After the proof is locked, the previous version will be locked. When this happens, the previous version will be deleted from the site and a new one will be created. To ensure that the current version is not accidentally changed, make sure that you select the option to enable auto reminders. This feature also allows you to change the order of references.
Once the proof is ready, you can unlock it by going to its summary page and clicking the "Unlock" button. You can also manually lock and unlock your proof by clicking on the locked or unlocked check box in the settings section. You can download your proof file by clicking on the download icon in the top right corner. This feature will allow reviewers to access it from any computer. Just remember that your document will always be saved in the same order as it was submitted before.
You can also edit the content of your proof. Once you have created a new version, you can lock it again. Until the new version is approved, you can delete the previous version. This is the most convenient way to view the latest version of a document. It will be automatically locked unless you choose to unlock it. You can delete it anytime you want. You can also upload a PDF of your proof. In the event that you have a PDF, you can download it from the site.
You can also download the PDF version of your proof. If you have a PDF file, you can download it and annotate it. You can then submit your revised version by using the proof upload option. There are many advantages to using Proof Central. It will give you a PDF file for your proof. Once you have downloaded your proof, you can access it from any computer. It will also allow you to share it with other reviewers.
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